Awards Status


In honor of their dedication and devotion to the New Artists Productions program, we make awards to our participants. We determine that when a participant completes major shows in multiples of 5, they receive a trophy and a certificate listing those shows by name.  A major show is defined to be ‘a show that runs for three or more performances.’ These shows can be either dramas or musicals. We will provide a link to our database of participants so they can see their information and keep track of their own participation.
This information becomes important – a résumé of sorts – for those kids who want to audition for plays with other groups, apply for competitions, or apply for educational scholarships. This database also serves as a living history for New Artists Productions. It helps us with our own grant and donation application processes. Many groups and foundations who award funds to 501(c)(3) organizations like to see stability in the recipient organization; it validates that the funding will be put to good use and serve the participants well.