Grant Writing Process

The Process of Non-Profit Grant Proposal Writing: Steps to Successful Submittal and Acceptance   Just like reading a book; if the story is good, then you will finish the read and draw a conclusion as to its success. Otherwise, the book returns to the shelf. Grant Process Cycle Grant writing is not different – Do you…

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Grant Writing Guidelines

‘Grant Writing Guidelines serves is a tool to assist Performance Arts organizations in writing applications for project funding of  activities, such as, plays, seminars, guest speakers, etc. This template is useful to all organizations – non-profit, not for profit, or profit making.  This is a ‘campaign’ strategy that could be altered based on need and…

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Writing a Play for Sale

How Do Plays Become Saleable? Formatting a play to be published and sold to multiple groups for production is a whole new avenue for playwrights to follow. Industry standards for submittal to a script house are designed to take into consideration formatting that can be comparable between script houses. A template for submittals, if you…

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Story Starter Writing Experience

Tips and Tricks for Youth Writers   “What is a ‘Story Starter?” Story starters are a way to quickly get the story going. They serve as an aid to help the writing process. Story Starters open the writer’s mind to possibilities for action and definition of an event. Imagination! “Activity” – Overcoming Writer’s Block For youth…

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Create ‘That’ Poster

ADVERTISING: Communication about an event is achieved through media – Visual communication: Posters, Print Advertising, and Voice communication to Spread the Word. Additionally, use of Internet and social devices, and video displays reach the community. The approach to these methods is up to the organization conducting the event, but there is a basic approach that…

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How to Write a PSA

TABLE OF CONTENTS HOW TO WRITE A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT The definition of a Public Service Announcement (PSA) is a concise, message (usually community oriented) that will play over the airwaves of the local radio or television station at no cost to the announcing organization. Under law, these stations are required to make these announcements…

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Vision – Philosophy – Mission

Every organization should have a planned approach in how to be successful and ‘make a difference’ in the community. ‘Vision, Philosophy, and Mission Statements’ dictate that approach and set the forefront of every organization’s purpose. The existence of any organization – whether Non-Profit, Not-For-Profit, For Profit, a business, or a club – relies on answers…

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Let’s Pretend

Imagination through listening, making the invisible images come to life. That is what Let’s Pretend Radio performance did for those without television. Listening made the mind of the listener fill in the pictures of the people and the events that were described. New Artists Productions offers kids an opportunity to play roles that require their…

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Upcoming Activities for Youth?

The founders and those who support the projects of New Artists Productions, Inc. volunteer their time to encourage young people to enjoy the theater experience.  New Artists Productions is working on a Summer schedule for activities for youth in the community. Upcoming activities for youth involvement in theater will be announced when the 2024 Summer schedule…

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