Create ‘That’ Poster

ADVERTISING: Communication about an event is achieved through media – Visual communication: Posters, Print Advertising, and Voice communication to Spread the Word. Additionally, use of Internet and social devices, and video displays reach the community.

The approach to these methods is up to the organization conducting the event, but there is a basic approach that underlies the design and construction of a Communication Poster.

A Sample Poster appears as an attachment to this post to illustrate an approach taken by New Artists Productions in setting a template for future events and activities.

This approach was implemented by a designer who was tasked for making informational posters for other organizational activities and events. OPINION: There is nothing cleaner than white space and colorful information images.

Something About a Poster Draws Attention

  • The overall image of the poster should be ‘eye catching’ to the viewer: wording and images (photographs, drawings, and graphics). The poster helps spread the word and is, sometimes, the initial advertising done for the event.
    • The image should always represent what your group is offering at a venue.
    • Using a consistent approach to how the poster looks from event to event identifies to the viewer that your organization is involved.
    • Using an organizational logo to tie the poster/event to your group, is the first image of identification. But the focus should ALWAYS be on what event is being offered.
  • Initially, the first visual draw to a poster is the color scheme.
    • The use of colors that compliment your event attract the viewer from afar or closer proximity to the poster to see what is being advertised.
    • Use colors that ‘bounce’
    • Use colors that compliment any artistic images used on the poster.
  • Well known events might not need an explanation of what the event is about (a popular play for instance).
    • However, if the event is not well known or brand new, a short description might be necessary on the poster to describe what the event is about.
    • Short descriptive sentence that is concise.
    • Brief - No one wants to look at a poster and stay there reading it for 5 minutes.

Key Information to Spread the Word

As indicated, the poster attachment identifies ‘Key’ information features which should appear:

  • What the performance is called
  • Where the performance will be held
  • When the performance will be held – date and time
  • Who is presenting the performance – organization?
  • Ticket pricing
  • Ticket purchasing locations

Meeting the Advertising Budget for the Event

Financial Consideration/Burden for Poster materials.

  • Budget, of course, comes into play, but use the best material for the advertising poster that is most affordable.
  • Consideration of what materials to use impacts whether the poster is going to either attract or detract.
  • Use of a high-quality printer (business, designer) as well, someone who understand your intent and frame of mind in creating the poster.
  • Budgetary limitations impact: How to help get the word out by using the best affordable materials.
  • Check to see if there is someone in your organization who is artistic or has an artistic eye? If so, utilize them. A consideration: Some groups want a color background, other than white. Visualize both based on what is being offered as an event.
  • Use child drawn fliers and posters – inexpensive and very impactful.

About New Artists Productions, Inc.

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