Educational Resources Section

Interested in Youth Theater Starting a Program?

Sections on this page contain links to several areas of interest for Youth Theater Programs. The information offered identifies specific educational offerings and needs for funding to keep youth theater programs viable and sustainable. In other words, to continue and encourage future growth and development:

  • ‘Growth for the young participants.’
  • ‘Funding needs for the program as a whole,’
  • ‘Additional contact information websites for grant seekers.’
  • 'Supply suggestions and websites for products needed to complete a professional looking stage performance'
    • Fundraising Techniques
    • Costume Ideas
    • Dramatic or Musical Scripts

Educational Materials for the Youth

Materials for the Youth reviews information for personal development and growth in performance.

Click on the file name and find out what information New Artists Productions has to offer:

Learning Theater Skills

Grant Funding Materials Section for Informative Documents

Funding materials defining grants for theater programs in general and specifically for youth programs are available below to familiarize writers, committees, boards, etc. with requirements and how to prepare a document for review by granting foundations.

There are many requirements, so many are common between foundations, some are unique to the foundations as their interests vary.

It is hoped that these documents will help categorize the requirements into meaningful information for grant application prep. Check out what information New Artists Productions has to offer:

Let's Get Going on that Documentation

Resources for Costuming

Costuming – Below are some helpful hints and resources for the costumer in the production: for fabrics, notions, and crafting materials. Additional links which are invaluable in researching period costumes, costume design, and how the ‘wheel had already been invented.’

Samples of Costuming for Youth Productions

  • Simplicity Patterns – (
  • McCall Patterns – ( (also the link to Butterick and Vogue Patterns)
  • Amazon – (
  • Folkwear Patterns – (
  • Grandma’s Attic – (
  • JoAnn’s Fabrics – (
  • Walmart – (
  • Etsy – (
  • Sewing Parts Online – (
  • McCall & Butterick Patterns – (
  • Thrift Stores; specialty shops
  • Closets at home or at Grandma’s house. You’d be surprised what you find.
  • Costume loft at the venue or from other theatrical groups in the area
  • Some shows require that you rent costumes from a professional business – many can be found on the Internet or at recommendations from the publisher.

Resources for Plays

Scripts – Identified in the following list of publishing and distribution houses is information that will benefit anyone who is trying to find that next play or musical to produce; a perusal copy of a play, or information about the just what plays and musicals are available for production.

Reference/Resources Used for this Content