Self-Motivation, Dedication, "Can Do Attitude," Self-Discipline, Self-Esteem

Costuming and Makeup for Cogsworth - "Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr."
Costuming and Makeup for Cogsworth - "Disney's Beauty and the Beast Jr."

Benefits Offeredfor the Kids

How to keep the kids active? Looking for ideas beyond what the school classroom offers? There are so many avenues: sports, music, dance, art, or, theater. Here's a tip: Kids' personal development and personal growth are also found through theater performance and acting. The opportunities for personality and character expansion can be found with New Artists Productions offerings.

Performance Arts Education

Theater serves by providing the opening for individual growth with countless resources that last an entire lifetime. Included are:

  • An important benefit is an awareness and understanding of The Arts:
  • Dedicated involvement = Development of appreciation.
  • Appreciation:
    • For what others do on the stage.
    • Can be quick and easy.
    • Also comes over time as the task at hand is difficult and requires extra effort.

Theater is Experiencing
Fun … Fun … Fun

  • Challenging oneself
  • Development of talent/skill
  • New Avenues to Explore
  • Personal Development
  • Personal Growth
  • Self – Awareness of what one can achieve
  • Self – Discipline
  • Teamwork/Collaboration
  • IMAGINATION. An increased level of creativity opens the door to so many opportunities. Once a script is understood, youth actors in our program are given license to ‘think outside the box’ in expanding the characteristics and personality of the character they are portraying.

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! – Dr. Seuss

  • Actors with like minds experience a wonderful benefit from The Arts. There is personal development and growth in interaction and involvement with others. Camps and workshops are ideal for kids who normally don’t interact to participate with others and oftentimes make lasting friendships.

“In every performance, you find a piece of yourself you never knew existed.”

  • The opportunity, i.e., "door to lasting success" in the Performance Arts is not always open to all, but for those who wish to progress, the road is an open one. Once someone gets the ‘acting bug’ and their interests are peaked, a future in either repertory, community, or professional theater might follow.

Personal Development and Growth Achieved During Performance Education

Personal Development - "The Skills Needed to be a Successful Actor"

Responsibility - Parents and Kids - "In Charge of a Role and Completing it to Utmost Satisfaction"

Social Interaction - "Kids 'Meet' Kids of a Like Mind and Interest in Performance"

Theatrical Education - "The Opportunity to Take the Stage and Become Someone Else"

Life Skills Through Personal Development

  • Enthusiasm and interest in learning begin and grow as experiencing new activities expand knowledge. The ‘can do’ attitude takes hold and results in increased effort and curiosity about subject matter or situational matters. Some of this interest will be generated in school, but having the outlet for a theatrically creative environment is a major contributing factor.
  • Benefits for Personal Development and Personal Growth lead to Good study habits uniquely learned by participation in Theater:
  • Time management
  • Techniques in memorization
  • Thoughtful analysis
  • Deep investigation into the situation (problem, character analysis, …)
  • Communication: An opportunity to develop interaction skills with confidence.
  • Relate to and experience different personalities
  • Projection and emphasis in speech delivery
  • Less nervous (or not nervous at all) while speaking in front of people or a crowd
  • Much more intelligent choice of words in presenting a subject or a topic for discussion
  • The learning process is motivational and inspirational as it benefits the opportunity to 'Step Outside One's Comfort Zone'
  • Development of good study skills and techniques
  • Concentration and focus
    • Memorize lines and situations
    • Time management
      • School work
      • Extra-curricular activities
      • Family